EB03/004EN (RR) Martial Arts Mutant, Master Beetle


Name: Martial Arts Mutant, Master Beetle

Card Number/Rarity: EB03/004EN RR (Double Rare)

Grade/Skill: Grade 3 / Twin Drive

Power: 11000

Critical: 1

Shield: -

Trigger: None

Nation: Zoo

Clan: Megacolony

Race: Insect

Card Effect: 

[AUTO](VC)[Limit-Break 4](This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Counter-Blast 3] When this unit attacks a vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose up to two of your opponent's rear-guards, and those units cannot [Stand] during your opponent's next stand phase.
[CONT](VC)/(RC):If you have a non- vanguard or rear-guard, this unit gets [Power] -2000.
