G-BT14/069EN (C) Regalia of Amulets, Expel Angel


Name: Regalia of Amulets, Expel Angel

Card Number/Rarity: G-BT14/069EN C (Common)

Grade/Skill: Grade 1 / Boost

Power: 7000

Critical: 1

Shield: 5000

Trigger: None

Nation: United Sanctuary

Clan: Genesis

Race: Angel

Card Effect: 

[ACT](RC)[1/Turn]:[Choose three normal units with "Regalia" in their card names different than this unit from your drop zone, and put them on the bottom of your deck in any order] If you have a vanguard with "Regalia" in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of turn, and if you have a face up card with "Regalia" in its card name in your G zone, draw a card.
