G-CMB01/008EN (RR) Juxtapose Deletor, Zaele


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Name: Juxtapose Deletor, Zaele

Card Number/Rarity: G-CMB01/008EN RR (Double Rare)

Grade/Skill: Grade 3 / Twin Drive

Power: 11000

Critical: 1

Shield: -

Trigger: None

Nation: Star Gate

Clan: Link Joker

Race: Alien

Card Effect: 

[ACT](VC) Legion20000 "Juxtapose Deletor, Gaele"
[AUTO](VC):[Counter Blast (2) & Choose a card from your hand, and discard it] When this unit Legion, you may pay the cost. If you do, delete all of your opponent's vanguards. (The deleted unit is turned face down, its power becomes 0 and it loses all text. It turns face up at the end of the owner's turn)
[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle.
