G-BT02/080EN (C) Blue Storm Marine General, Despina


There are only 3 items left in stock.

Name: Blue Storm Marine General, Despina

Card Number/Rarity: G-BT02/080EN C (Common)

Grade/Skill: Grade 0 / Boost

Power: 4000

Critical: 1

Shield: 10000

Trigger: CRITICAL [Power]+5000

Nation: Magallanica

Clan: Aqua Force

Race: Aquaroid

Card Effect: 

[AUTO](RC): When this unit boosts your vanguard with "Maelstrom" in its card name, if it is the fourth battle of that turn or more, until end of that battle, your opponent cannot call grade 0 cards from hand to (GC), at the end of that battle, return this unit to your deck, and shuffle your deck.
