G-BT10/103EN (C) Maiden of Cucumber


Name: Maiden of Cucumber

Card Number/Rarity: G-BT10/103EN C (Common)

Grade/Skill: Grade 1 / Boost

Power: 6000

Critical: 1

Shield: 5000

Trigger: -

Nation: Zoo

Clan: Neo Nectar

Race: Dryad

Card Effect: 

[AUTO](RC):[Counter Blast (1)] When your grade 1 or greater unit with the bloom ability is placed on (VC) or (RC), you may pay the cost. If you do, choose a card from your drop zone with the same card name as the unit that was placed, and you may put it on the bottom of your deck. If you do, this unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of turn.
