G-BT12/036EN (R) Stealth Beast, Meimoudanuki


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Name: Stealth Beast, Meimoudanuki

Card Number/Rarity: G-BT12/036EN R (Rare)

Grade/Skill: Grade 1 / Boost

Power: 7000

Critical: 1

Shield: 5000

Trigger: None

Nation: Dragon Empire

Clan: Nubatama

Race: Warbeast

Card Effect: 

[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC) or (RC), bind up to two cards from the top of your deck face down. (Only the owner may look at their cards bound face down)
[AUTO](RC)[1/Turn] Generation Break 1:When a dominated unit attacks during your turn, choose a face down card from your bind zone, and you may put it into your soul. If you do, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.
