G-BT13/095EN (C) Jet Power Dusty


Name: Jet Power Dusty

Card Number/Rarity: G-BT13/095EN C (Common)

Grade/Skill: Grade 2 / Intercept

Power: 8000

Critical: 1

Shield: 5000

Trigger: -

Nation: Dark Zone

Clan: Spike Brothers

Race: Elf

Card Effect: 

[AUTO]:Charge (During the turn this unit is placed on (RC) due to an effect, you may have it become charging. If you do, put it on the bottom of your deck at the end of its battle)
[AUTO](RC) Generation Break 1:When this unit is boosted, if this unit is charging, it gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle. Then, if it was boosted by "Jet Motor Dosty", your opponent cannot intercept until end of that battle.
