G-CB04/018EN (R) Kaigomai Idea-drone


Name: Kaigomai Idea-drone

Card Number/Rarity: G-CB04/018EN R (Rare)

Grade/Skill: Grade 2 / Intercept

Power: 9000

Critical: 1

Shield: 5000

Trigger: -

Nation: Dark Zone

Clan: Gear Chronicle

Race: Gear Colossus

Card Effect: 

[CONT](RC/GC):If the number of cards in your bind zone is five or more, this unit gets "[CONT](RC/GC):Resist.".
[AUTO]:When this unit intercepts during the battle your <Gear Colossus> vanguard was attacked, search your deck for up to one <Zodiac Time Beast>, bind it face up, and shuffle your deck. If you bound a card, this unit gets [Shield]+5000 until end of that battle.
