S-BT03/0015EN (RR) Emplord, Zerberos Lost


There are only 2 items left in stock.

Name: Emplord, Zerberos Lost

Card Number/Rarity: S-BT03/0015EN RR (Double Rare)

Card Type: Monster

Size: 6

Power: 30000

Defense: 20000

Critical: 4

Attribute: MAX Dragon / Lostvader

World: Ancient World

Card Effect: 

  • This card can only be called by "MAX Dragon" effects.
  • [Call Cost] [Put a size 5 "MAX Dragon" from your field into the drop zone]
  • When this card enters the field, destroy all cards on your opponent’s field, and deal 1 damage to your opponent for each card destroyed.
  • "Against All Odds" If you have only one monster on your field, all cards on your field cannot be destroyed, returned to hand or be [Rest] by your opponent's card effects.
    [Penetrate] [Quadruple Attack]
