V-BT05/036EN (R) Stealth Rogue of Proscription, Mizukaze
Name: Stealth Rogue of Proscription, Mizukaze
Card Number/Rarity: V-BT05/036EN R (Rare)
Grade/Skill: Grade 3 / Twin Drive!!
Power: 12000
Critical: 1
Shield: -
Trigger: -
Nation: Dragon Empire
Clan: Nubatama
Race: Demon
Card Effect:
[AUTO](RC):When placed, COST [Soul Blast (1) grade 3], and until end of turn, your opponent cannot call grades that he or she had called that turn from hand to (GC). (They can be called at the same time. If grade 1 is called, 1 cannot be called for the rest of the turn.)